Welcome Message

Dear participants:

I am pleased to invite you to participate in the 8th Global Conference of the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Network (TEPHINET). This year will be held in Mexico City from September 7 to 11, 2015.

This conference brings together students and graduates from Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETP) of members of the network countries in the world and during this venue, research works of different natures are presented and discussed, such as outbreaks, analysis or evaluation systems surveillance or other relevant topics for public health of countries. Besides there is the opportunity for sharing experiences on solutions to public health problems.

We also invite you to celebrate our 30 years of the establishment of the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) in Mexico until nowadays that is the residence in Epidemiology, which has the recognition of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

We wish you a happy stay and make their participation in the 8th Conference a success.

Dr. Pablo Kuri Morales

Scientific Committee

Dr. Dionisio Herrera Guibert

Organizing Committee

Conference Theme

The role of new technologies in public health

The conference theme is centered in the new technologies and how they help in analyzing the data and providing epidemiologic evidence for decision making mainly on health issues, which is one of the pillars for country development.

Background information

The Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET) was created in 1997 and is a professional network of 55 field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) around the world.

TEPHINET aims to strengthen international public health capacity by training field epidemiologists through an applied learning program. FETP students can master a set of skills that are vital to the practice of public health, while providing a valuable public health service to their countries and regions

The Regional Conferences take place every two years between August and December in the following regions: Americas, Africa, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean and Southeast Asia West Pacific. Regional 2013-2014 conferences were held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic with participation of 7 Epidemiology Residents and the Director of the DGE), Stockholm (Sweden), Marraket (Morocco) and Da Nang (Vietnam).

Global conferences, provide scientific sessions and workshops related to project management and public health interventions, investigating outbreaks of communicable diseases, laboratory practices and technology. Through presentations, workshops and meetings, students and graduates of training programs for field epidemiology (and lab) share their work with colleagues and experts from around the world.

The Global Conference provides an excellent opportunity to share best practices with their peers in the network, learn from others and acquire new knowledge of field Epidemiology that can be put into action to improve global public health.

The conference also provided an opportunity for partners outside the network to witness the impact of the epidemiology residents on public health worldwide.

Background of the field epidemiology program in Mexico

Starts in 1984 as a Residency Program in Applied Epidemiology (PREA); a collaborative project between the Secretariat of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States with a program of two years, and the aim of forming Field Epidemiologists

In 1997, the PREA is transformed into a medical residency of three years, incorporated into the Single Plan of Medical Specialties of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. To enter into the specialty is necessary to take and pass of the National Medical Residency Test.

Until today, 265 specialists in 29 generations have graduated from the Residence, and they have significant roles in the public and private sector and even international agencies.

In 1997, our country is invited to enter (TEPHINET) and since then, Medical Resident have participated in almost all Global Congresses.

Conference objetives

The 8th Global Conference is an excellent venue to share information among field epidemiologists of all the world. It is also the showcase for outbreak investigations and other researches done by current fellows of the FETPs.

It is an important opportunity for the participants to get to know their counterparts in the different countries, forge alliances, and strengthen the network.

Vision: We are looking for improvements in the health of the people through a global network dedicated to quality training in applied epidemiology and public health practice

Mision:Strengthen global capacity by supporting public health well qualified professionals in field epidemiology through training, services, and opportunities to create new contacts



Dr. Pablo Kuri Morales

Scientific Comitte

Dr. Dionisio Herrera Guibert

Organization Comitte